Fat Shiba Inu: Why Obesity Isn’t Good for Your Shiba Inu.

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Meet the cutest little overweight pup you’ll ever lay eyes on: the Fat Shiba Inu.

This chunky bundle of love has taken the internet by storm with its adorable, fluffy appearance and playful antics.

Whether he’s lounging on the couch or chowing down on his favorite treats, Fat Shiba Inu never fails to make us smile.

But behind the cute exterior lies a serious issue: pet obesity.

With an estimated 59% of cats and 54% of dogs in the U.S. classified as overweight or obese, it’s important to understand the health risks and how to prevent them.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Fat Shiba Inu phenomenon and explore the importance of maintaining a healthy weight for our furry friends.

Fat Shiba Inu: Why Obesity Isn’t Good for Shibas!

Fat Shiba Inu

Fat Shiba Inus are a common problem among pet owners. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including overfeeding, lack of exercise, and certain medical conditions.

Obesity in dogs can lead to a number of serious health issues, including joint problems, diabetes, and heart disease.

It’s important for pet owners to understand the causes of obesity in their dogs and take steps to address the problem.

One of the most important things you can do is to monitor your dog’s diet and make sure that they are getting the right amount of food for their size and activity level.

Additionally, it is essential to provide regular exercise for your dog, whether that means taking them for walks, runs, or trips to the dog park.

In some cases, obesity in dogs may be caused by medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, which can lead to weight gain even if your dog is eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise.

If you suspect that your dog may have a medical condition that is contributing to their weight gain, it is important to consult with your veterinarian to determine the best course of treatment.

In summary, Shiba Inus are prone to gain weight and become overweight, the causes are many but include overfeeding, lack of exercise, and certain medical conditions.

Obesity can lead to a number of serious health issues, it’s important for pet owners to monitor their dog’s diet and regular exercise routine, if the problem persists then you have to seek professional help.

Also read, Shiba Inu growth height & weight chart!

Why Is My Shiba Fat?

You Shiba Inu may be fat because they are consuming more calories than they are burning through exercise and activity.

There could be a number of reasons for this, such as overfeeding, lack of exercise, or a medical condition such as hypothyroidism.

It’s important to address the issue of my Shiba’s weight as being overweight can lead to serious health problems such as diabetes, joint problems, and a decreased lifespan.

The first step in addressing my Shiba’s weight is to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical issues.

From there, I can work on creating a diet and exercise plan that will help my Shiba reach and maintain a healthy weight.

This may include reducing the amount of food given at each meal and increasing the amount of exercise and activity my Shiba gets.

Additionally, I can also look into switching to a lower calorie food option, or consider adding weight management supplements to their diet.

Therefore, it’s important to take action and address my Shiba’s weight to ensure they have a healthy and happy life.

How Do I Make My Shiba Fatter?

The best way to make your Shiba fatter is to increase the amount of food they are eating and to make sure that the food they are eating is high in calories.

The first step in doing this is to speak with your veterinarian to determine how many calories your dog should be consuming each day based on their size, breed, and activity level.

Once you have this information, you can start to increase their food portions gradually until they are getting the correct number of calories.

In addition to increasing the amount of food they are eating; you should also make sure that the food they are eating is high in quality and packed with essential nutrients.

Look for foods that are high in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to ensure that your Shiba is getting the nutrients they need to maintain a healthy weight.

Avoid foods that are high in fillers or by-products, as these can be less nutritious and may not provide your dog with the energy they need to maintain their weight.

Exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight, as it helps to burn calories and builds muscle.

However, it is important to note that too much exercise can also lead to weight loss, so it’s important to strike a balance between exercise and food intake.

The key to making your Shiba fatter is to increase the amount of food they are eating, make sure that the food they are eating is high in quality and packed with essential nutrients, and ensure that they are getting enough exercise.

With the right diet and exercise plan, your Shiba will be able to maintain a healthy weight and thrive.

Do Shibas Gain Weight Easily?

The answer is yes, Shibas can gain weight easily if they are not given proper exercise and fed a healthy diet.

Like any other dog breed, Shibas require a balance of exercise and nutrition to maintain a healthy weight.

They are a highly active and energetic breed, and require regular exercise to burn off excess energy.

If they are not given enough physical activity, they may become bored and start to gain weight. In addition, if they are fed an improper diet or given too many treats, they may also gain weight.

It is important to monitor your Shiba’s weight and body condition, as obesity can lead to a number of health problems such as diabetes, joint problems, and heart disease.

If you notice your Shiba starting to gain weight, it is important to adjust their diet and exercise routine accordingly.

This can include increasing the amount of exercise they get, cutting back on high-calorie treats, and feeding them a balanced diet that is appropriate for their size and energy level.

Shibas can gain weight easily if they are not given proper exercise and nutrition.

It’s important for owners to monitor their weight and body condition and make adjustments to their diet and exercise routine as needed to maintain a healthy weight.

With proper care and attention, your Shiba can stay happy, healthy and active for many years to come.

Fat Shiba Inu Plush

Fat Shiba Inu plush toys are a popular choice among pet owners and Shiba Inu fans.

These plush toys are designed to resemble the Shiba Inu breed, with a round and fluffy appearance that mimics the breed’s characteristic fluffy coat.

They are typically made of soft, plush material that makes them cuddly and comfortable to hold, making them a popular choice for children and adults alike.

The fat appearance of the Shiba Inu plush toy can also make them a great comfort item for those who are feeling down or stressed, as they provide a sense of warmth and coziness.

Many people also find them to be a cute and playful addition to their home decor, as they can be used to add a touch of fun and personality to any room.

Therefore, Fat Shiba Inu plush toys are a great way to show your love for the Shiba Inu breed, whether you own a real Shiba Inu or not.

They are not only adorable but also great for those who love to cuddle with them.

Ways To Make Your Shiba Inu Lose Excess Fat

  • Measuring Food
  • Schedule Feeding
  • Low-Calorie Dog Treats
  • Exercise

What’s more;

Measuring Food

When it comes to feeding your dog, it’s important not to just pour a set amount into their bowl without considering their specific needs.

Typically, guidelines for how much to feed your dog will be given in ounces, but it’s important to note that this can vary depending on where you are from.

One mistake that many pet owners make is using a standard plastic cup to measure the food, which can result in accidentally pouring in double the recommended amount.

Instead of relying solely on the guidelines on the food bag, it’s important to refer to this handy measurement guide:

  • 1 cup of dry dog food is equal to 8 ounces
  • 1 and 1/4 cups of dry food is equal to 10 ounces
  • 1 and 1/2 cups, or the equivalent of a coffee mug, is equal to 12 ounces
  • 2 cups of dry food is equal to 16 ounces

It’s important to keep in mind that these measurements are just guidelines, and it’s ultimately up to you to monitor your Shiba’s weight and health to determine the appropriate serving size.

If you notice that your dog is gaining weight, it’s essential to slowly decrease the amount of food you serve to them.

Schedule Feeding

It’s important to keep in mind that allowing your dog to eat whenever they want can lead to them becoming overweight.

Keep in mind that if something smells delicious to us, it probably smells the same to our furry friends.

To keep them at a healthy weight, it’s recommended to give them set meal times and stick to them.

For example, feeding them twice a day at the same time each day. Give them about 15 to 20 minutes to enjoy their food, and then remove the bowl regardless of if they have finished it all or not.

This way, they won’t have access to it later on.

Low-Calorie Dog Treats

Have you ever checked the calorie content of those pet store treats you give to your furry friend?

A recent study from the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University revealed that certain bully sticks can contain anywhere from 9 to 26 calories per treat.

This may not seem like a lot to us humans, but for a dog, this can add up quickly, especially if they are being given in bulk.

While treats are often made with healthy ingredients, it’s important to remember that dogs don’t have the same concept of “cheat days” or “dessert” as we do.

They need a balanced diet, including a regulated amount of calories, to maintain a healthy weight.

To avoid store-bought treats that often contain unnecessary ingredients and high levels of fat and sugar, consider making your own dog-safe treats at home.

Fresh fruits and vegetables like bananas, carrots, apples, and broccoli can make great alternatives.

Another way to give your dog a treat is through activities like Doga (doggie yoga) and massage, brushing, and other play and exercise.

As long as your dog is having fun and is entertained, they won’t even miss the extra food. Just remember to keep an eye on their calorie intake to keep them at a healthy weight.


It’s best to steer clear of training techniques that involve constantly giving your Shiba Inu treats.

Instead, try to focus on activities that will keep your pup active. Don’t forget to keep track of what activities you’re doing and how long they’re lasting in a food journal.

This will help you get a better idea of how much energy your Shiba Inu is using up during the day.

Challenges That Fat Shiba Inu Experience

Shiba Inus, like all dogs, can experience a variety of health challenges related to being overweight. Here are five potential challenges that a fat Shiba Inu might face:

Joint problems: Being overweight puts extra stress on a dog’s joints, which can lead to conditions like osteoarthritis and hip dysplasia.

These conditions can cause a lot of pain and make it difficult for the dog to move around.

Respiratory problems: Dogs that are overweight are more likely to experience breathing difficulties.

The extra weight can put pressure on their lungs, making it harder for them to breathe.

This can be especially problematic for dogs with brachycephalic (short-nosed) breeds like Shiba Inu, which already have a harder time breathing than other breeds.

Diabetes: Obesity is a risk factor for diabetes in dogs, as it can make it harder for the dog’s body to process insulin.

Diabetes can cause a number of health problems, including blindness, kidney failure, and nerve damage.

Heart disease: Obesity can also lead to heart disease, as the extra weight puts a strain on the heart and can make it harder for the dog to pump blood.

This can lead to heart failure, which can be a serious condition.

Increased risk of cancer: Some studies have suggested that dogs that are overweight are more likely to develop certain types of cancer.

The exact reasons for this are not yet fully understood, but it’s thought that the extra fat cells may produce hormones that can promote the growth of cancer cells.

It’s important for the owner to keep an eye on the dog’s weight and be mindful of the diet, and exercise to make sure the dog is healthy.

Also consulting with a veterinarian for regular check-up and guidance can be beneficial.

The Wrap-Up

In conclusion, the topic of fat Shiba Inus is an important one to consider as it highlights the importance of proper diet and exercise for our furry friends.

Obesity in dogs can lead to serious health issues such as diabetes, joint problems, and heart disease.

It’s our responsibility as pet owners to ensure that our pets are getting the proper nutrition and exercise they need to maintain a healthy weight.

This includes regular vet check-ups, portion control, and providing opportunities for physical activity.

Additionally, it is important to consider the unique needs and tendencies of the Shiba Inu breed when it comes to diet and exercise.

With proper care and attention, we can ensure that our fat Shiba Inus live long, happy, and healthy lives.

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