Does Shiba Inu Bark a Lot? Let’s Find Out

Shiba Inu Barking

Does Shiba Inu bark a lot? Now that Shiba Inus are cat-like, you might think that they as well don’t bark, right? Also, before buying a Shiba, you might want to know if the breed is among the noisy barker breeds. That said, does Shiba Inu bark a lot? No, Shiba Inus don’t bark a … Read more

How To Read Your Shiba Inus Body Language & Movements

Shiba Inu Body Language

Have you ever wished you could understand what your Shiba Inu was trying to tell you? Well, you’re in luck! Shibas are known for their expressive body language, and by learning to read their cues, you can better understand your furry friend’s thoughts and feelings Shiba Inus use body gestures to pass their message to … Read more

Do Shiba Inus Like to Cuddle? Are They Affectionate?

Do Shiba Inus like to cuddle? If you’ve been asking yourself whether a Shiba Inu can be your cuddling partner, here is some useful information. Although Shiba Inus have an aloof personality that sets them apart from other dogs, they’re good companions and loyal to their owners. Now that they dearly love their owners, do … Read more

Shiba Inu Heat Cycle Guide & The Measures To Take!

Shiba Inu Heat Cycle

The Shiba Inu is a popular breed of dog that originates from Japan. Like all dogs, Shiba Inus have a heat cycle, which is the period of time when they are able to become pregnant. During this time, it is important for owners to be aware of the signs and behaviors associated with a Shiba … Read more

Do Shiba Inus Like Water? (Helpful Swimming Guide)

Do Shiba Inus Like Water

When the sun is scorching hot, you might expect Shibas to jump into water for a cool moment like most other dogs. Isn’t that true? Unfortunately, this might not be the case, as most owners say that Shibas get crazy by crying and howling the entire time when bathing them. That makes you wonder, do … Read more