Are Shibas Affectionate? What You Need To Know

Are Shibas Affectionate

When looking to pet a dog, everyone wants one that can show affection in various ways. Now, if you’re a new Shiba owner or want to pet one, you might want to know whether they’re affectionate dogs or not. However, most studies about Shibas suggest that they have a cat-like personality and aren’t the best … Read more

Shiba Inus With Other Dogs – Are They Friendly?

Knowing how Shiba Inus relate with other dogs is useful and keeps you in control. If you’re a Shiba Inu owner or an aspiring one, you might want to know how Shibas relate with other dogs. For that reason, before you decide to get one, you might want to know this, are Shiba Inus good … Read more

Can You Shave a Shiba Inu?

can you shave a shiba inu

Shiba Inus dogs have a beautiful fluffy coat that anyone can think of shaving for a regrow or stylistic purposes. When grooming your Shiba, the idea to trim his coat might often run through your mind. However, before acting further, one thing to ask is, can you shave a Shiba Inu? It’s not right, you … Read more

At What Age Do Shiba Inus Calm Down? Answered!

Shiba Inu running

Shiba Inus naturally like to run up and down. They’re uniquely energetic and stubborn with hunting instincts that manifest through an uncalm attitude. Every Shiba owner concurs that they hardly calm down. Since they’re very active and full of energy, every other person would ask themselves, when do Shiba Inus calm down? Hyperactive Shibas calm … Read more

Are Shiba Inus Loyal To Their Owner & Family? Answered!

are shiba inus loyal

Shiba Inus are a popular breed of dog known for their small size, fox-like appearance, and playful personalities. But beyond their cute looks and energetic nature, many people wonder if Shiba Inus are truly loyal. After all, loyalty is a trait that many dog owners value in their furry companions Shibas are not only loyal … Read more

Why Are Shiba Inus So Aggressive?

When Shibas lay back their ears to the sides and narrow down their eyes, they can be quite harmful and dangerous. At the same time, they expose their teeth and growl at you, which makes you wonder if that’s their nature. So, why are Shiba Inus so aggressive? Shiba Inus are aggressive due to their … Read more

Are Shiba Inus Good Apartment Dogs?

The best pets can live in your apartment freely and without causing chaos. So, for those staying in apartments, you must consider suitable pets for the apartment environment. Otherwise, you risk causing mayhem now and then. Although they’re known to be aloof, Shibas are one of a kind with big personalities, which makes one ask, … Read more