I Hate My Shiba Inu: How To End That Love-Hate Relationship!

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Despite Shiba Inu being one of the smartest, loyal, and cute pooch friends, most owners often find themselves struggling with a love-hate relationship.

Although you can easily be enchanted by Shibas foxlike faces, you can also get frustrated by their spirited personalities.

So, this may prompt you to ask yourself this question; are there secrets to transforming “I Hate My Shiba Inu” into “I Love My Shiba Inu?” I got you on this.

There are various training techniques that can help you harness your Shibas intelligence, decode their quirky behaviors, and build an unbreakable bond. From conquering the breeds stubbornness to mastering recall, I got you covered.

That said, let’s dive into this article and explore this insightful yet interesting journey. We’ll first go through the reasons why most Shiba Inu owners end up hating their pooch friends.

I Hate My Shiba Inu: Why Not to Buy a Shiba Inu

I Hate My Shiba Inu

1. Shiba Inus: Not Your Typical Cuddly Companions

We all adore the affectionate nature of dogs, but let’s face it – Shiba Inus are a breed that dances to a different tune. Unlike their friendly counterparts, Shi Tzu’s, these ancient dogs may not always shower strangers with warmth.

Their aloofness can be traced back to their wolf-like ancestry. While there are exceptions, most Shiba Inus tend to keep their distance from new faces, both human and canine.

To find a more sociable Shiba, consider reputable breeders who prioritize temperament. Unfriendly behaviors often stem from poor breeding practices and puppy mills.

If you’re determined to welcome a Shiba Inu into your life, understanding their unique temperament is essential for building a strong and lasting bond.

Also read: Do Shiba Inus Like To Cuddle?

2. Shiba Inus: Not the Tiny Lap Dogs You Imagined!

You’ve probably seen those adorable Shiba Inu photos online and imagined having a compact, cuddly companion.

But here’s a reality check – Shiba Inus can surprise you with their size. While they should ideally be around 20 pounds, some can weigh up to 30 or 40 pounds!

Oh, and speaking of “Mame” Shiba Inus, be cautious! Reputable organizations don’t recognize them, and breeders prioritizing these tiny variations are often not trustworthy.

3. First-Time Dog Owner? Think Twice about Shiba Inus.

Considering a Shiba Inu as your first dog? Proceed with caution. These spirited pups can be quite the challenge for inexperienced owners. Their stubbornness demands patience and a strong hand in training.

Shiba Inus thrive with assertive, experienced owners who understand their primitive instincts. Proper socialization from an early age is key to ensuring a well-adjusted and obedient Shiba.

Also read: Is A Shiba Inu Right for Me??

4. Shiba Inus: Proud and Particular Fur Friends

Let’s get real about Shiba Inu attitudes. They don’t aim to please like some other breeds; they exude confidence and independence.

Embrace their diva-like qualities and learn to coexist harmoniously with your Shiba.

Each Shiba Inu is unique, with different likes and dislikes. Some might enjoy long walks, while others prefer lounging.

Feeding preferences can be quirky too. Embrace their individuality and discover what makes your Shiba shine!

5. Water Bodies Aren’t Their Forte

If you’re looking for a water-loving, ball-chasing companion, Shiba Inus might not be your best match.

Unlike retrievers or spaniels, most Shibas don’t like water activities. They prefer to be dignified spectators on the sidelines.

6. The Drama Kings and Queens: Shiba Inu’s Dramatic Side

Get ready for a performance when it’s grooming time! Shiba Inus can be quite the drama queens during grooming sessions.

The notorious “Shiba Scream” might echo through your home if they’re not thrilled with the process.

Socialization helps tame some of the dramatic tendencies, but be prepared for occasional Shiba outbursts. Remember, they have their unique ways of expressing themselves!

7. Shiba Inus and the Never-Ending Fur Show

Love a fur-free home? Shiba Inu owners, beware! These double-coated beauties shed year-round and “blow” their undercoat twice a year.

Be ready for regular grooming and cleaning sessions to keep fur under control.

If your wardrobe or furnishings are black, you might have a furry fashion statement. But hey, you can always opt for a black and tan Shiba to match!

8. The Great Escape Artists: Shiba Houdinis

Shiba Inus have a history of hunting small game, which can lead to some escapades in modern times.

If not trained and socialized properly, these clever dogs can be escape artists and bolters. A secure, fenced yard and consistent obedience training are crucial.

9. Costly Commitment: Responsible Shiba Inu Adoption

Owning a Shiba Inu comes with a price – both financially and ethically.

Reputable breeders invest heavily in producing healthy puppies, which reflects in the cost. Stay away from cheap alternatives from backyard breeders and puppy mills.

If you can’t afford a responsibly-bred Shiba Inu, consider adoption instead of supporting unethical breeding practices.

10. Rising Popularity, Unethical Practices

Shiba Inus’ growing popularity has led to an increase in puppy mills and irresponsible breeding. Avoid contributing to this problem by purchasing from reputable sources or adopting from shelters.

Awareness and education are essential to break the cycle of suffering for both puppies and adult dogs.

Remember, responsible ownership begins with responsible acquisition. Let’s make ethical choices for our furry friends. Peace and Shiba love to all!

What To Do To Stop Hating Your Shiba Inu Dog

1. Identify the source of negative feelings:

Take some time to reflect on why you might be feeling this way about your Shiba Inu. Are there specific behaviors or incidents that are causing frustration or resentment?

Understanding the root cause of your negative emotions will help you address them more effectively.

2. Educate yourself about the Shiba Inu breed:

Shiba Inus are a unique and fascinating breed with distinct traits and personalities. They have a strong sense of independence and may not always exhibit the same obedience as other dog breeds.

Learning more about their history, characteristics, and typical behavior patterns will provide you with insights into their natural instincts and help you appreciate their uniqueness.

3. Patience and understanding:

Building a bond with any pet takes time, and Shiba Inus are no exception. It’s essential to be patient and understanding with your dog as you navigate your way through this relationship.

Remember that they may not always respond immediately to training or commands, but consistency and positive reinforcement will yield better results.

4. Positive reinforcement training:

Utilize positive reinforcement techniques to train your Shiba Inu. This means rewarding good behavior with treats, praise, and affection.

By focusing on positive reinforcement rather than punishment-based methods, you’ll create an environment of trust and cooperation, fostering a deeper connection with your pet.

5. Exercise and mental stimulation:

Shiba Inus are energetic and intelligent dogs, and they require both physical exercise and mental stimulation to thrive.

Regular walks, playtime, and interactive toys will help channel their energy positively, reducing the likelihood of destructive behaviors that may contribute to your negative feelings.

6. Spend quality time together:

Bonding with your Shiba Inu is essential for building a strong and positive relationship. Set aside dedicated time for activities like playing, walking, and training together.

The more time you invest in quality interactions, the more your Shiba Inu will feel loved and valued as a part of your family.

7. Seek professional help if needed:

If you’re struggling with specific behavioral issues or finding it challenging to connect with your Shiba Inu, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.

They can assess your dog’s unique needs and provide tailored training plans and techniques to address any challenges you may be facing.

8. Practice self-care:

It’s essential to take care of your own well-being as well. Your feelings towards your Shiba Inu may be influenced by external factors like stress or personal challenges.

Make time for self-care activities and seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if needed to manage your emotions effectively.

9. Be forgiving:

Dogs, like humans, are not perfect. They make mistakes and have their off-days too. Try not to hold grudges against your Shiba Inu for any past misbehaviors.

Instead, focus on positive reinforcement and encouraging good behavior going forward.

10. Celebrate the positives:

Acknowledge and appreciate the moments of joy and love you share with your Shiba Inu. Celebrate small victories in training and bonding, and take note of any improvements in their behavior.

Positive reinforcement, for both you and your Shiba Inu, will help strengthen your relationship over time.

How Do I Make My Shiba Inu Less Aggressive?

To make your Shiba Inu less aggressive, focus on positive reinforcement training techniques. Avoid punishment-based methods, as they can worsen aggression.

Consistently reward good behavior with treats, praise, and affection. Socialize your Shiba Inu with other dogs and people from a young age to reduce fear and anxiety. Provide regular exercise and mental stimulation to prevent boredom.

If the aggression is severe or persistent, consult a professional dog trainer or behaviorist to create a tailored plan to address the underlying causes and work on reducing aggression safely and effectively.

Why Are Shiba Inus Not Recommended for First Time Owners?

Shiba Inus are not recommended for first-time owners due to their strong-willed and independent nature, which can make training a challenging task.

They have a tendency to be aloof and may not always exhibit the same obedience and eagerness to please as other breeds.

Additionally, their high energy levels and need for mental stimulation can be demanding for inexperienced owners to handle effectively.

Shiba Inus require consistent, patient, and experienced training to establish a well-behaved and well-adjusted companion, making them better suited for owners with prior dog-handling experience.

The Wrap-Up

While Shiba Inus possess undeniable charm and captivating personalities, they are not the ideal choice for everyone. Their strong-willed and independent nature, coupled with the challenges of training and socialization, can be overwhelming for first-time owners.

This breed demands experienced handlers who can provide the necessary patience, consistency, and mental stimulation to help them thrive.

If you find yourself harboring negative feelings towards your Shiba Inu, it’s essential to consider these factors and understand that owning one requires a significant commitment.

Making an informed decision based on your lifestyle and experience will give you a happier and more fulfilling journey with your canine companion.

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