Owning A Shiba Inu Complete Guide! Dos & Dont’s.

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If you are considering adding a Shiba Inu to your family, you are in for a treat. These loyal, energetic, and intelligent dogs make great companions and are known for their playful and independent nature.

Owning a Shiba Inu also comes with its own unique set of challenges. From their high energy levels and stubbornness to their grooming and exercise needs. It’s important to understand what to expect before bringing a Shiba Inu into your home.

In this article, we will delve into the ins and outs of owning a Shiba Inu, including their history, temperament, and care requirements.

Whether you are a seasoned dog owner or a first-time pet parent, this guide will help you make an informed decision about whether a Shiba Inu is the right fit for you and your lifestyle.

Owning a Shiba Inu: Are Shibas Hard to Own?

Shibas can be difficult to own due to their strong-willed and independent nature. They require consistent training and socialization in order to prevent behavior issues such as stubbornness and aggression

Owning A Shiba Inu

Shibas also have a high energy level and require daily exercise to prevent boredom and destructive behaviors. However, you can provide toys and puzzles to prevent boredom.

They can be sensitive to changes in their environment and may have separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time.

Shibas also have a high prey drive and may not do well with small animals such as cats or rodents. That said, you need to start socializing your furry friend from a young age.

Additionally, they can be prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia and eye problems. They’re also prone to a number of skin and food allergies.

Overall, owning a Shiba requires a dedicated and experienced owner who is willing to put in the time and effort to properly train and care for them.

Also read; Best Shiba Inu toys.

Are Shiba Inus High Maintenance?

Shiba Inus are generally considered to be a low-maintenance breed of dog. They do not require a lot of grooming, and their short coat is easy to brush and maintain.

They are also known for being independent and able to entertain themselves, so they do not need a lot of attention or exercise.

However, they can be prone to separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time, so it is important to provide them with adequate mental and physical stimulation.

Shiba Inus also require basic training and obedience lessons to ensure they behave well in social situations.

While they may not have high maintenance needs in terms of grooming or exercise, they do require some attention and training to be well-behaved, so they may not be suitable for owners who do not have the time or energy to invest in their dog.

Are Shiba Inus Good for First-Time Owners?

Shiba Inus are generally considered not good for first-time owners, but it is important to note that every dog is unique and some may be better suited for first-time owners than others.

Shiba Inus are known for being independent and strong-willed, so they may require a more experienced owner who can assert their dominance and establish clear boundaries.

However, with proper training and socialization, Shiba Inus can be well-behaved and loving pets. As a new owner, you have to match the breeds exercise requirements which may be a little bit uphill task.

They are also relatively low maintenance in terms of grooming and exercise needs. This favors new owners as they don’t have to spend a lot of time worrying on grooming their Shibas.

Owning A Shiba Inu

It’s important for first-time owners to research the breed and be prepared for the challenges and responsibilities of dog ownership.

It is also recommended to seek the guidance of a professional trainer or behaviorist to ensure a successful and positive relationship with a Shiba Inu.

What Is It Like Owning a Shiba Inu?

Owning a Shiba Inu can be a rewarding experience for those who are dedicated to training and socializing their pet.

These dogs are known for being independent and strong-willed, which can make them challenging to train.

They also have a high prey drive, which means they may not do well with smaller pets or children.

It is important to provide plenty of mental and physical stimulation for a Shiba Inu, as they are prone to boredom and can become destructive if not properly exercised.

They are also known for being vocal and may bark excessively if not properly trained.

Overall, owning a Shiba Inu requires patience, consistency, and dedication to training, but can be a loving and loyal companion for those who are willing to put in the work.

Cost Of Owning a Shiba Inu

The cost of owning a Shiba Inu can vary greatly depending on several factors such as where you purchase the dog, its age, and any medical issues it may have.

However, on average, the initial cost of purchasing a Shiba Inu can range from $1,000 to $2,500.

This price may be higher if you are purchasing a show quality dog or one with champion bloodlines.

In addition to the initial purchase price, there are also ongoing costs to consider when owning a Shiba Inu. These include things like food, toys, and supplies which can cost around $500 per year.

Medical costs for a Shiba Inu can also be significant, with regular check-ups, vaccines, and preventative care running approximately $500 per year.

If your Shiba Inu develops any medical issues, the cost of treatment can increase significantly.

Overall, the cost of owning a Shiba Inu can range from $1,500 to $3,000 per year, depending on the individual dog’s needs and circumstances.

It is important to carefully consider these costs before deciding to bring a Shiba Inu into your home, as they are a long-term commitment and require significant financial investment.

Tips For Owning a Shiba Inu

Understand The Breeds Characteristics & Needs

Provide Socialization and Training Early

Keep Up with Grooming

Prepare For Shiba Inu Noises & Screams

Always Have Them on a Leash When Outside

Plan For Vet Check-Ups

What’s more;

Understand the breed’s characteristics and needs. Shiba Inus are energetic, intelligent, and independent dogs who require daily exercise and mental stimulation.

They are also known for their stubbornness and need for consistent training and structure.

Provide socialization and training early on. It’s important to expose Shiba Inus to a variety of people, places, and experiences while they are still young to prevent them from becoming fearful or aggressive.

Training should also begin at an early age to establish boundaries and reinforce positive behaviors.

Keep up with grooming. Shiba Inus have a thick, double coat that requires regular grooming to maintain its health and appearance. This includes brushing, bathing, and nail trims.

Be prepared for the “Shiba scream.” Shiba Inus are known for their distinctive vocalization, which can be loud and annoying to some.

It’s important to understand that this is just a part of the breed and not a sign of aggression or distress.

Keep them on a leash. Shiba Inus are prone to roaming and can be difficult to recall if they get off-leash. It’s important to always keep them on a leash or in a secure, fenced area to prevent them from getting lost or injured.

Plan for potential health issues. Shiba Inus are prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia and eye problems.

It’s important to stay up-to-date on their vaccinations and regularly visit the veterinarian to monitor their health.

Overall, owning a Shiba Inu requires patience, consistency, and a commitment to meeting their needs. With proper care and attention, they can make loving and loyal companions.

Advantages Of Owning a Shiba Inu

There are several advantages to owning a Shiba Inu. Firstly, they are relatively low maintenance dogs.

They have a short coat that only requires occasional grooming, and they are not prone to health problems like some other breeds. This means that they are generally less expensive to care for than other breeds.

Secondly, Shiba Inus are intelligent and trainable, which makes them a great choice for those who want a well-behaved pet. They are also good watchdogs, as they are naturally alert and protective of their owners.

Thirdly, Shiba Inus are small to medium-sized dogs, making them a good choice for those living in smaller spaces or apartments.

They are also active and energetic, so they are a great choice for those who enjoy outdoor activities like hiking or running.

Finally, Shiba Inus are affectionate and loyal companions, making them a great choice for those who want a close bond with their pet.

They are also good with children and other pets, making them a versatile choice for families. Overall, owning a Shiba Inu can bring many joys and benefits to a pet owner.

Downsides Of Owning a Shiba Inu

Some Are Aggressive


Shed A Lot

They Will Test You

They’re Sensitive

They Shouldn’t Be Left Alone for Long Periods

They’re Not the Best for People with Small Children

They’re Escape Artists

They Can’t Be Trusted Off-Leash

What’s more;

They tend to be dog-aggressive. Shibas, as a rule, don’t like other dogs. There are, of course, exceptions to every rule, but the majority of Shiba Inus can be expected not to work and play well with others.

They’re highly prey-driven little hunters. This can be a positive if you want a dog who’ll drive the gophers out of your yard, but it’s a downside if you have a cat or small mammal you’d rather your canine not chase and try to kill.

My Shiba did live mostly in harmony with my daughter’s cat … until he tried to kill her over a piece of toast that had fallen on the floor. Consider yourself warned.

They shed. A lot. Shibas blow their coats twice annually (I call this shedpocalypse). During coat-blowing season, the shedding is extreme.

But they will also shed significant amounts all year long. Your house will never be free of dog hair. I don’t care how nifty your Roomba is or how good your housekeeping skills are.

They will test you. Always. Are you prepared to train your dog using consistent, firm, positive reinforcement until the day he dies? Shibas are not easy dogs.

They will always push boundaries. They will always keep you on your toes. I have yet to meet a Shiba owner who hasn’t sung some variation of the same song: “I love my Shiba, but he’s a total arsehole.”

They’re sensitive. If you betray a Shiba’s trust, he’ll remember. If something has frightened him, he’ll likely remember that, too. Without careful training (and sometimes even with), some Shibas can become anxious and neurotic. Living with an anxious dog is never easy.

They don’t do well in kennels or left alone for long periods. If you’re going to be traveling and you’ll need to take your dog to a boarding kennel regularly, think long and hard before getting a Shiba. Most find kennel environments highly stressful.

Ditto if you work a lot and would have to put your dog in a dog daycare situation or leave it home for long periods without using a trusted pet sitter or dog walker. Your Shiba thinks of your family as his pack, and without you, he’s bereft.

They’re not a good dog for people with small children. Most Shibas don’t like to be handled roughly, jumped on, or startled. Most toddlers handle pets roughly, jump on them, and startle them. You do the math.

They’re escape artists and door-chargers. Most Shiba owners live in a fortress made up of baby gates and have extra-high fences. Shibas are both opportunists and runners.

If they see an opportunity, they’ll bolt and go exploring. Good luck getting your little explorer home safely.

They can’t be trusted off-leash. No matter how well your Shiba is trained to recall, letting a Shiba run off-leash is asking for trouble.

If the opportunity to chase that chipmunk across the street presents itself, guess who’s going to dart out into traffic faster than you can shout, “Wait!”?

Reasons Not to Get a Shiba Inu

There are several reasons why someone may decide not to get a Shiba Inu. One reason is that Shiba Inus can be difficult to train and may not be suitable for first-time dog owners.

They have a strong will and can be stubborn, which can make training a challenge.

Additionally, Shiba Inus have a high prey drive and may not be safe around small animals, such as cats or small dogs.

Shiba Inus also require a lot of exercise and can become destructive if not given enough mental and physical stimulation.

They may not be suitable for people with busy schedules or those who live in small apartments.

Another factor to consider is that Shiba Inus are prone to certain health issues, such as hip dysplasia and eye problems. This can lead to high veterinary costs and may not be suitable for those on a budget.

Finally, Shiba Inus may not be the best fit for families with young children. They can be reserved and aloof around strangers and may not tolerate rough handling from children.

Overall, while Shiba Inus can make loyal and loving pets, they may not be the right fit for everyone due to their strong will, high exercise needs, and potential health issues.

It is important to carefully consider all of these factors before deciding to get a Shiba Inu.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should You Own a Shiba Inu?

Owning a Shiba Inu can be a rewarding experience, but it is important to consider if you have the time, energy, and resources to provide proper care for this breed.

Shiba Inus require regular exercise, training, and grooming, and can be stubborn and independent.

Should I Get a Shiba Inu?

If you are willing to put in the effort to train and socialize your Shiba Inu, and can provide a loving and responsible home, then you may be a good candidate for owning a Shiba Inu.

If the opposite is correct, then you may be not the best candidate for this breed.

Conclusion on Owning a Shiba Inu

In conclusion, owning a Shiba Inu can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for those who are prepared to devote time and effort into training and caring for their furry friend.

While it is true that Shiba Inus can be stubborn and prone to separation anxiety, the benefits of having a Shiba Inu far outweigh the demerits.

These benefits include the breed’s intelligence, loyalty, and playful nature, as well as their ability to adapt to a variety of living situations.

If you are considering adding a Shiba Inu to your family, we encourage you to do your research and be prepared to commit to the responsibilities that come with owning a dog.

However, we believe that the love and companionship a Shiba Inu can bring to your life is well worth it.

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