Shiba Inu Behavior Problems? (10 Behavior Problems)

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Shiba Inus are beautiful with a good fluffy coat that makes everyone want to own one. At the same time, Shiba Inus are stubborn, independent, and headstrong. That makes you ask, do Shiba Inu have behavior problems?

Shiba Inus are a basal breed born and bred as hunters of small animals. This makes Shibas have a high prey drive, independent, intelligent, and somewhat self-sufficient. So, Shibas don’t always follow your commands and thus have behaviour problems.

Shiba Inus have behaviour problems due to their tricky personality that’s hard to decipher. Below are more insights on Shiba Inu behaviour problems you don’t want to miss.

Do Shiba Inu Have Behavior Problems?

Shiba Inu dogs have a unique personality full of energy; thus, they’re known to have behavior problems.

Moreover, lack of training and socialization in Shiba Inus can cause major behaviour problems. Since it’s a difficult breed, training and socializing Shibas come in handy.

That said, if you have a Shiba Inu and don’t want to invest in training, that’s already grim. Through training and socializing, you learn the right ways to handle your pooch friend and how to control their bad behaviour.

Shiba Inu Behavior Problems

However, if you get your Shiba when they’re adults, you might need to seek the services of a professional trainer. They’ll help you deal with your Shibas behaviour problems correctly.

That said, Shiba Inus aren’t an easy breed to keep if you’re not ready to invest in their training. You have to ensure their behaviour is in order all the time. This is only possible through training and socialization.

Now that we know Shiba Inus can be problematic let’s go through some common behaviour problems in Shibas and how to deal with them.

What Are 10 Common Shiba Inu Behavior Problems and What to Do?

Shiba Inu behaviour problems include;

  1. Aggression
  2. Constant Barking
  3. Biting, Nipping, and General Mouthing
  4. Chasing After Other Animals or Pets
  5. Destructive Chewing
  6. Digging
  7. Excessive Licking
  8. Jumping On People
  9. Pulling The Leash
  10. Ignoring When You Call Them

Let’s get into the context of these behaviour problems;

1.     Aggression

Shiba Inus have aggression issues unless they undergo training and socialization. So, if you fail to train your Shiba Inus, you’re most likely to experience aggression with your Shiba.

Besides, Shiba Inus aggression issues cause a problem with their food, strangers, toys, and territory.

Signs that tell when your Shiba Inus is aggressive include;

  • Pinning back their ears to resemble an aeroplane
  • Curling their lips while growling at you
  • Exposing their teeth in an aggressive manner
  • Keeping their body language stiff

Shiba Inus owners use training and socialization to handle this challenge with most Shibas. In addition, you must learn what makes your Shiba aggressive. When you know what makes your pooch friend aggressive, you can avoid doing it where necessary.

Remember, your Shiba Inu grows up learning and exploring their environment. You should use this time to train your Shiba on obedience. Also, socializing with other dogs makes Shibas a little docile.

2.     Excess Barking As A Shiba Inu Behavior Problem

Shiba Inus bark excess, especially when they’re still young. They might bark for a better part of the day.

Moreover, this constant barking doesn’t last in Shibas. They often change their behaviour; however, Shibas are likely to bark excess when there’s an issue of concern.

They’re usually silent dogs that hardly bother you. Further, Shiba Inus don’t just bark for nothing; they only do it when necessary.

That said, causes of Shiba Inu barking include;

  • Shibas bark to alert you
  • As a compulsive behaviour
  • Attention Seeking
  • Excitement
  • Due to excess heat

I can’t mention all the reasons Shiba Inus bark above, but this is a fantastic starting point for you. All actions Shibas make are often a result of their need to communicate something to you.

That said, when you get a solid idea of why our Shiba is barking, you know where to begin. Moreover, if you believe your Shiba is excessively barking, I’d like you to try this;

First, identify why they’re barking or the root cause. Next, find something to interrupt your Shiba whenever they start barking. Then, use treats to redirect your Shiba to something interesting. Lastly, rinse and repeat the procedure until they don’t bark excessively anymore.

3.     Biting, Nipping, and General Mouthing

Shibas use their mouth as an interaction tool. Therefore, they like nipping and biting you, a behaviour that worsens if you don’t correct it in time.

Also, they often have mouthing, which includes licking you constantly, which isn’t pleasing. Shibas start doing this when they’re a puppy, which most owners see as good behaviour.

However, correcting this bad behaviour as early as possible would be best. Although they do it for play and to entertain themselves, they keep pushing boundaries and thus can hurt you.

Shibas also have aggressive biting and nipping. Thankfully, they warn you when the nipping is aggressive with the body language.

Looks that imply an aggressive nipping and biting include;

  • Ears laid back their heads
  • Showing their teeth
  • Stiff body language
  • Growling while exposing their teeth

Shiba Inus often use their mouth as a tool for communication. As such, they like nipping and biting their owners, a trait you should stop as early as possible.

In addition, training and socialization eliminate this bad trait in Shiba Inus. So, if you own a Shiba and want to stop them from biting and nipping you, start obedience training. Don’t forget to socialize with your pooch friend as well.

4.     Chasing After Other Animals or Pets

Shiba Inus have a high prey drive. So, they like chasing after other small animals. If you own other small animals like bunnies, take precautions when introducing your Shiba Inus.

Other small animals that your Shiba Inus is likely to chase after include rabbits, squirrels, cats, and other dogs.

Shiba Inu Behavior Problems

That said, you should ensure your Shiba remains on a leash whenever you go outside. Especially when going to hike in bushy places, walk your Shiba on a leash.

Shiba Inus being intelligent is both a blessing and a curse for the breed. Smart Shibas prefer doing things their way. This makes them ignore you.

You might want to read our post on, when do Shiba Inus calm down?

5.     Destructive Chewing As A Shiba Inu Behavior Problem

Most high-energy dog breeds, especially Shiba Inus, like destructive chewing, which they do as a result of boredom.

Destructive chewing habits are common in Shibas. They do this due to dispel the excess energy they have in them. To ensure your Shiba doesn’t do it, take them for exercise, at least every day. This can be a 45 to 60-minute walk.

Apart from exercise, you also have to make your Shiba happy and healthy and give maximum entertainment.

Chewing is easy and fun to pass the time, thus the reason Shibas like doing it. They chew your carpets, furniture, door frame, moulding, windowsills, and electric cords.

Reasons that promote destructive chewing behaviour in Shibas include;

  • Anxiety and stress
  • Failure to clean their teeth
  • Curiosity and boredom
  • Frustration
  • Excess energy
  • Puppy teething stage

All the reasons above fall into these three categories, excess energy, oral health and stress & anxiety. Therefore, ensure to manage your Shibas oral and body health to reduce destructive chewing.

6.     Digging As A Shiba Inu Behavior Problem

There’s no doubt that Shibas like digging anywhere they find loose soil. Also, when you leave your Shiba alone for a long time, they are more likely to do such things.

The major reason Shibas dig a lot is boredom. They like an entertaining environment since they’re active dog breeds.

So, when they have a lot of free time, leading to boredom, they dig anywhere they can.

The different reasons why your Shiba likes digging include;

  • Boredom (excess energy)
  • Comfort seeking (to cool off during summer when it’s hot)
  • Prey drive (when they were chasing after small animals)
  • Pregnancy (protecting their pups)
  • To hide food (they hide bones or toys)

The best way to prevent your Shiba Inus from bad digging behaviour is to redirect their energy. Redirect their attention to something else they like.

7.     Excessive Licking

Shiba Inus instinctively like licking their owners. It signifies affection and a way to bond with their owners.

In addition, licking is a stress reliever in Shibas. This will be a common thing if you have a female Shiba and they go on heat. Shibas don’t only lick you but themselves. They lick themselves to clean up their fur.

Several things that cause excessive licking in your Shiba Inus include;

  • A sign of affection
  • Attention seeking
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Excess boredom
  • To clean their body

There are many causes of excessive licking in Shiba Inus. To tackle this challenge of Shiba Inus excess licking, you need to determine what and why they’re licking.

For example, if your Shiba Inu constantly licks their paw, they might have an injury or a tick somewhere. So, you need to check the problem first.

8.     Jumping On People

Shiba Inus have this challenge of jumping on people to show excitement. However, if you don’t control this behaviour, they keep pushing boundaries, making them more dangerous.

The fault, in this case, is always the owner. Shibas that jump on people lack good socialization and training.

You should train your Shiba always to remain calm. Excitement jumping becomes dangerous when you get kids. They can easily jump on your child and hurt them.

That said, you need to train your Shiba Inus on behaving, especially when you have visitors.

9.     Pulling The Leash

Shiba Inus can be nagging during a walk by constantly pulling the leash. They try to draw you into what caught their attention. You should always stand your ground.

In addition, you should hold the leash in a suitable position, so you’re in control. Don’t hold the leash giving your pooch friend all the allowance to run forth and back. Shibas do this due to excitement.

Shiba Inu Behavior Problems

This might be a struggle to correct your Shiba Inus; however, consistency works well. Always stand your ground and stick to the direction you’re heading to. Never follow where your Shiba is pulling you towards.

Some ways to address this challenge with Shibas include;

  • Hold the leash in a suitable position without giving your Shiba a huge allowance.
  • When they start pulling, stop and call them back
  • When your Shiba walks back, give a reward and resume the walk

Keep repeating the steps above every time you’re going for a walk and your Shiba’s pulling you. Always be keen not to reward bad behaviour.

10. Ignoring When You Call Them

Shibas are stubborn and ignorant. They know how to ignore when the owner is calling. Besides, Shibas take time to decide whether to come when you call or not.

Also, their lack of interest contributes to this behaviour. Shibas do this because they have a singular mind. They like doing what they think is right and not what you ask them to do.

Reasons your Shiba Inus doesn’t come when you call include;

  • Lack of training
  • Zero interest
  • Nearby prey

Shiba’s failure to adhere when you call needs training using rewards. Ensure you have your Shibas favourite treat; give it when you call your Shiba, and they come. Do this continuously for over a month.

Also, ensure to observe your Shibas mood when calling them. Sometimes they just aren’t interested in what you want them to do.

Also, when teaching your Shiba Inus to respond to calls, use a specific command like “COME”. B consistent with the command you allocate for a certain action.

How To Manage Shiba Inu Behavior Problems?

The two fundamental ways to manage your Shibas behaviour problem include;

  1. Training, and
  2. Socialization

See the explanation below;

1.     Training

Obedience training works well with Shiba Inus. That said, initiate training at an early age. Don’t wait until your Shiba is an adult to introduce training.

Notably, young Shibas are quick to grasp training commands. On the contrary, adult Shibas are challenging to train.

That said, you can book obedience training classes for your Shiba Inus. Training helps improve the communication, interaction, and bond between you and your Shiba Inus.

2.     Socialization (How It Solves Shiba Inu Behavior Problems)

Socializing your Shiba Inus helps improve their interaction with people and other dogs. So, begin socializing your Shiba Inus early enough.

Ensure to take your Shiba to doggy yards so they can socialize with other dog breeds. That also boosts your Shibas behaviour when around dogs, especially of the same sex.

Socialize your pooch friend with both people and other dogs. Also, always tag along your Shiba when going to meet a friend. Let them explore the world through you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do Shibas Go Crazy?

Shiba Inus are instinctively stubborn, thus the reason they often go crazy. This shouldn’t trouble you; you only need to let them be.

However, if your Shiba starts to misbehave, ensure to use positive reinforcement. This includes redirecting their energy to something useful.

Never punish your Shiba Inus physically.

At What Age Do Shiba Inus Calm Down?

Shiba Inus mostly calm down when they turn two years of age. However, this is not a guarantee; others are hyper for up to 5 years.

However, most of the Shiba owners I know argue that their pooch friends were already calm by two years.

How Do You Deal with Shiba Inu Aggression?

Aggression in Shibas is a common thing. You need to train and socialize your pooch friend to deal with it.

That’s the best remedy for your Shiba Inus behaviour. Also, you can redirect their aggression energy to something different.

Are Shibas Prone to Separation Anxiety?

Yes, Shiba Inus are prone to separation anxiety. It would be best to buy them toys to play with and overcome separation anxiety.

Further, separation anxiety ends with time. When you observe they’re experiencing it, intervene with treats and play games with them more often.

Can Shibas Be Left Home Alone?

Yes, you can leave your Shiba Inus at home alone for 8+ hours when you’re away.

However, ensure to provide them with enough toys to keep them busy. Leaving your Shiba home alone for long could make them destructive.

When Shibas get boredom, they turn to destructive chewing activities.

The Winding Up, Shiba Inu Behavior Problems

Shiba Inus have some behaviour problems. However, good training and socialization turn Shiba Inu behaviour around.

The best remedy is to initiate training as early as possible. Early obedience training helps transform your Shibas’ behaviour by the time they’re adults.

Additionally, socialize your pooch friend with both people and other dog breeds. The concept of socializing your Shiba Inus is to show them the world.

Also, it gets them to understand how to manage themselves when they meet other dogs and strangers. Although training Shiba Inus can be an uphill task, you have to invest your time for your Shiba to be an excellent vibe to be around.

Thankfully, not all Shibas have behaviour problems. You can be lucky to get one that’s cool and calm when meeting people and other dogs.

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