Shiba Inu Skin Allergies Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

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Shiba Inus are known for their beautiful, thick coats, but unfortunately, some of these adorable pups can suffer from skin allergies.

If you’re a Shiba Inu owner, it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of these allergies in order to properly care for your furry friend.

Shiba Inu skin allergies cause intense scratching and excessive licking of the paws due to itchy skin. They result from such things as food, pollen, or household dirt. Itchiness starts from Shibas paws and often spreads to the whole body

By understanding and addressing skin allergies early on, you can help your Shiba Inu lead a comfortable and happy life.

In this article, we’ll explore the common signs and symptoms of Shiba Inu skin allergies, as well as provide tips on how to manage allergic conditions like Shiba Inu atrophy treatment.

If you’re concerned about your Shiba Inu’s skin health, keep reading to learn more about Shiba Inu skin allergies and how to effectively manage them.

What Are Shiba Inu Skin Allergies?

Shiba Inu skin allergies are body reactions to a substance that the Shiba Inu body is allergic to. These substances can include food, pollen, or household dust

Shiba Inu skin allergies

It starts from the paws, which become itchy, making Shibas lick their paws continuously. From there, it spreads to the entire body, thus making the whole skin itchy. Shibas often develop sores on their skin due to excessive scratching.

So, it’s good to take action before the situation gets out of hand. If you notice that your Shiba is itchy and scratches the whole body, you might start preparing for a vet visit.

If you don’t attend to the Shibas allergy, it leads to a condition known as canine atopic dermatitis. It results from your Shibas skin swelling, thus leading to inflammation of the entire skin.

Although it may take some time before reaching this point, you need to take action and get to its root. At least knowing what causes the allergy helps you take proper action. Also, you become more cautious with what you feed your Shiba Inu.

What Are the Symptoms of Shiba Inus Skin Allergies? 

Shiba Inu skin allergies symptoms include itchiness, swelling of the face, ears, eyelids, lips, or earflaps, swollen skin, sneezing, itchy, runny eyes, vomiting, and hives.

If your Shiba Inus has skin allergies, the first thing you should notice is itchiness. It’s clear when your Shiba keeps on scratching their body or licking their paws.

As a result of the Shiba Inu scratches, their body develops sores. Therefore, you can’t cuddle anymore with your Shiba if you always do it. That makes them want to stay away and hide around the corners.

Excessive itching causes sores, oozing, and bleeding in extreme situations. In addition, Shibas also face the challenge of bacteria-infected paws; it causes redness, swelling, and pus on their paws.

You should be keen on skin allergies to avoid a skin condition known as canine atopic dermatitis. This condition makes Shiba Inus skin swell. If you own a Shiba Inu, always take skin allergies seriously. The earlier you attend them, the better.

The more your canine friend continues to scratch their body, the higher the risk of secondary infections. Shibas become vulnerable to other diseases when facing an allergic reaction.

The sores create secondary paths for these infections. Such infections include bacterial infections or yeast and cost you more money to treat.

See our post on, Shiba Inu body language.

What Are the Causes of Shiba Inu Skin Allergies?

The three major causes of Shiba Inu skin allergies are food allergies, flea allergies, and environmental allergies. 

1.     Food Allergies

One cause of Shiba Inu skin allergies could be the food you feed your dog. Especially if your Shiba Inu vomits and starts scratching themselves, that’s mostly food allergy.

Besides vomiting, your Shiba Inu also starts licking the paws, scratching ears, and having diarrhea. It’s time you change your Shibas diet.

Shiba Inu skin allergies

Don’t confuse food allergy and food sensitivity in Shibas. Some intolerances might make your Shiba vomit. So, the signs can be quite similar.

A food allergy results from the immune system responding to protein intake. On the other hand, food sensitivity or intolerance results from a specific ingredient. As such, it doesn’t involve the immune system.

Food allergies are triggered by the immune system and often cause skin allergies.

2.     Fleas Allergy

Another major cause of Shiba Inu skin allergies is flea saliva. Shibas are allergic to saliva from some fleas. Therefore, if these fleas land and spit saliva on them, the skin gets itchy.

Flea allergy is common in Shiba puppies. The reason is that their skin isn’t entirely defensive and is still growing. Besides, their immune might be low at the time.

To notice flea allergy, your Shibas skin inflames with many scabs. Besides, you might be lucky to see the fleas on the skin. If you’re unsure about the cause and what to do, you better seek a vet’s assistance soonest.

3.     Environmental Allergies

Shiba Inus are also prone to environmental allergies. Besides, these allergies often cause atopic dermatitis.

Environment allergies in Shiba Inus result from dust, mold, or pollen. They’re seasonal, thus easily avoidable. They only come during a certain period of the year.

Your Shibas paws and ears tell the signs of any environmental allergies. Also, you can observe the muzzle, underarms, around the eyes, and between Shibas toes.

Environmental allergies aren’t as severe as the other two and are sometimes cured without your intervention.

Shiba Inu Skin Problems

  • Shiba Inu Allergic Dermatitis

  • Demodicosis

  • Pyoderma

  • Seborrhea

  • Shiba Inu Itchy Skin Hot Spots

What’s more;

Shiba Inu Allergic dermatitis: This is a common skin problem in shiba inus that is caused by an allergic reaction to something in the environment, such as pollen, mold, or chemicals.

Symptoms include red, itchy skin, rashes, and hair loss. Prevention involves identifying and avoiding the allergen, as well as using anti-inflammatory medications or allergy shots as prescribed by a veterinarian.

Demodicosis: This is a skin condition caused by a mite called Demodex canis, which is present in small numbers on the skin of most dogs.

However, in some cases, the mites can multiply excessively and cause skin irritation, hair loss, and crusty lesions.

Prevention involves keeping the dog’s skin and coat clean and healthy, and using a veterinarian-prescribed treatment to kill the mites.

Pyoderma: This is a bacterial skin infection that results in the formation of pustules and crusts on the skin. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including allergies, hormonal imbalances, or a weakened immune system.

Prevention involves keeping the dog’s skin clean and healthy, as well as identifying and treating any underlying conditions that may be contributing to the infection.

Seborrhea: This is a skin condition characterized by an excess production of oils and flakes on the skin and coat. It can be caused by genetics, hormonal imbalances, or allergies.

Prevention involves keeping the dog’s skin and coat clean and healthy, and using a veterinarian-prescribed treatment to control the excess oils and flakes.

Shiba Inu Itchy Skin Hot spots: These are areas of red, inflamed skin that are often caused by scratching, biting, or licking at the same spot excessively.

They can be caused by allergies, infections, or other underlying conditions. Prevention involves identifying and treating the underlying cause, as well as keeping the dog’s skin and coat clean and healthy.

Shiba Inu Skin Allergies Treatment

The best treatment for Shiba Inu skin allergies is identifying the substance and avoiding it. If the skin allergy results from food, switch their food to an alternative without the previous ingredients

Shiba Inu skin allergies

This remedy takes some time to work; it doesn’t happen overnight. If you want a quick fix solution, you can visit a vet for medicine or injection.

In addition, if you try switching food and the skin allergies persist, visit a vet for further assistance.

I’d advise you to visit the vet immediately you realize it for the first time. You’ll have professional advice on what to eliminate in your Shibas diet.

Further, if your Shibas suffers more often from allergies, immunotherapy could help. This treatment reduces allergy symptoms but can also end them completely.  It involves gradually introducing your Shiba to the allergy triggers until there’s no more reaction.

Therefore, it reduces the chances of the skin allergy reoccurring later. There are many variations of dog immunotherapy; asking your vet could help further.

Shiba Inu Atrophy Treatment

Shiba Inu atropy treatment typically involves a combination of medications and physical therapy to help improve muscle strength and function.

The specific treatment plan will depend on the underlying cause of the atrophy and the severity of the condition.

Medications may include muscle relaxants or corticosteroids to reduce inflammation and swelling, and neuromuscular blocking agents to help improve muscle function.

Physical therapy may involve exercises to strengthen the affected muscles, as well as techniques such as electrical stimulation or ultrasound to help improve muscle function.

In addition to these treatments, it is important for owners to provide a healthy diet and regular exercise for their Shiba Inu to help maintain muscle strength and prevent further atrophy.

It may also be necessary to provide support and assistance with mobility, such as a harness or wheelchair, to help the dog move around more easily.

The goal of treatment for Shiba Inu atrophy is to improve muscle function and prevent further muscle loss. With proper treatment and care, it is possible for a Shiba Inu with atrophy to regain some or all of their muscle function and lead a happy and healthy life.

Shiba Inu Food Allergies

Shiba Inus can develop allergies to certain ingredients in their food, just like humans can. These allergies can manifest as skin irritation, stomach issues, or difficulty breathing.

Common allergens for Shiba Inus include proteins like beef or chicken, grains like corn or wheat, and certain preservatives.

It is important for Shiba Inu owners to pay close attention to their pet’s diet and any potential allergic reactions.

If an allergy is suspected, it is best to consult with a veterinarian and potentially switch to a hypoallergenic or limited ingredient diet.

Check out this article to learn more about; Shiba Inu food allergies.

How To Prevent Shiba Inu Skin Allergies

To reduce your Shibas flare-ups, you need to limit your Shibas interaction with the allergens. Prevention is better than cure. So, identify what your furry friend is allergic to, and keep it off their diet.

However, if your Shiba Inus already has an allergy, visiting your nearby vet is all you should do. A vet offers you advice and helps you identify the cause. Your Shiba can also get allergy shots of antihistamine drugs.

For your information, over-the-counter treatments also cure allergies in Shibas. If you want to try them, some examples are coconut oil and oatmeal baths.

So, what you do is freeze the coconut oil to dry up, then use it to massage your Shibas skin. Especially the itchiest areas. Also, it relieves constant itching.

If you’re not a med person, adjusting your canine diet is helpful. Since Shiba Inu allergy often results from food ingredients, you should determine what works best for your canine friend.

What Are Natural Remedies for Shiba Inu Skin Allergies?

Here are 5 natural remedies you can use to treat Shiba Inu skin allergies;

  • Oatmeal Bath or Paste
  • Coconut Oil
  • Herbal Tea Soaks & Chamomile
  • Plain, Sugar-Free Yogurt
  • Apple Cider Vinegar Water Spray

What’s more?

1.     Oatmeal Bath or Paste

Use an oatmeal bath to relieve your Shiba Inus from the itchy skin. Almost all dog hypoallergic shampoos have it as an ingredient. It helps fight and soothe skin irritation.

This is how you do it; grind your oatmeal into powder form and mix it with your Shibas warm bath. The oatmeal bath takes 10 to 20 minutes to cool your Shibas itchy skin.

Besides, it’s nontoxic; thus no problem if your Shiba licks it while scratching their skin.

If your Shiba hates baths, I still got you a solution. Mix your oatmeal powder with a suitable amount of water to achieve a spreadable paste form. Then apply the paste to the notorious spots.

2.     Coconut Oil  

Coconut oil might be the best solution for your Shibas itchy skin. Its high viscosity soothes your Shibas skin, while other components act to calm the skin right away.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil has antibacterial properties, which help calm down itchy Shiba Inu skin. To apply coconut oil to your Shibas skin, freeze it to make it a solid. Next, use the solid oil to apply and massage your Shibas skin.

Although its effect isn’t immediate, it heals itchy skin with time, mostly a couple of hours.

3.     Herbal Tea Soaks and Chamomile

Herbal tea, like green tea, has medical properties that help it cool itchy skin. Therefore, if your Shibas skin has irritation, use this simple remedy. It reduces inflammation and improves the condition of the skin.

In addition, these soaks are great for Shibas with hot and itchy patches.

Thankfully, tea soaks aren’t difficult to apply. If your Shiba Inu is pro-baths, fill your tub or sink with lukewarm water; next, steep 3 to 5 tea bags for like 3 minutes. Now, squeeze the tea bags and remove them.

It’s now time to let your Shiba soak in the water. Help your Shiba to soak in the water for 5 to 10 minutes.

However, if your Shiba Inus isn’t pro-baths, stoop enough tea bags, 3 to 5, in a cup of lukewarm water, then use a kerchief or scarf to apply this water on your Shibas skin.

You can also pour the tea mixture on your Shibas skin and let it dry up without rinsing.

4.     Plain, Sugar-Free Yogurt

Plain yogurt has health benefits on itchy skin in dogs, especially Shiba Inus. Maybe that itchy skin comes from the dog’s digestive system.

Plain yogurt works but has limitations. You need to feed your Shiba Inus plain yogurt, which has health benefits for the overall gut. Therefore, if the allergy results from the dog’s digestive system, the yogurt can alleviate that.

Make sure to check out with your vet before trying this, though.

5.     Apple Cider Vinegar for Itchy Dogs

Apple cider vinegar can help soothe your Shibas itchy skin. It has antiseptic and antifungal properties. Therefore, it’s a relief from poison but don’t use it on raw open skin.

In case your dog scratches his skin excessively until it’s raw, use this product. The solution fastens the sting process of the raw wound.

Mix this substance with water before applying it to the affected areas. You can also soak your Shibas itchy paws inside the solution for at least 5 minutes.

With all the above solutions, its you to choose which quick fix to try.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does Skin Allergies Look Like on A Shiba Inu?

Skin allergies cause inflammation of the skin and unending itchiness. Besides, the itchiness extends to the paws.

Therefore, you’ll tell when your Shiba Inu has an allergy through the itching and scratching effect. They scratch most parts of their body, including the face, belly, skin, eyes, and ears.

How Do You Stop a Shiba Inu from Itching?

I’d suggest oatmeal for a quick fix solution on Shiba Inu itching effect. Applying oatmeal to your Shibas itchy parts helps soothe the skin and calm the itchiness.

Long-term solutions include changing diets. Changing your Shibas diets frequently helps you determine what their bodies are allergic to.

How Do You Treat Atopy in Shiba Inu?

To treat atopy in Shiba Inus, visit your vet for antipruritic drugs such as otic corticosteroids that treat ear infections, oral steroids, and triamcinolone sprays.

There are many immunomodulatory medications your vet can recommend. It depends on the atopy level.

How Can You Treat Shiba Inus Skin Allergies Naturally?

The best way to treat Shiba Inu skin allergies naturally is to find what affects them and avoid foods or treats with that ingredient.

Moreover, you can opt for other methods like medical treatments. Thankfully, this post gives several natural remedies above.

Why Is My Shiba Inu So Itchy?

Your Shiba is so itchy as they may have eaten something which they’re allergic to, or their body is reacting to a new environment.

If the itchiness persists, seek assistance from your vet. They’ll also recommend the best action you should take.

What Is the Most Common Cause of Skin Allergies in Shiba Inus?

The most common causes of Shiba Inu skin allergies are food allergy, flea allergy, inhalant or contact allergy, and bacterial energy.

Therefore, be sure to check with the cause of your Shibas skin allergies before taking any further action. Changing your Shibas diet helps you identify what they’re allergic to.

Conclusion Sentiments on Shiba Inus Skin Allergies

Shiba Inu skin allergies are common when Shibas are almost hitting 1 year old. Therefore, stay watchful during that period.

Now, the best remedy I’d recommend when you notice your Shiba Inu has skin allergies is booking a visit to the vet. You might diagnose the wrong thing, thus the need for a vet.

If your Shiba Inu has been scratching and licking their paws or skin, they might have allergies. Also, if a particular food makes your Shiba Inu start scratching and licking themselves a lot, you might want to eliminate it from their diet.

Since prevention is better than cure, identify the foods that cause Shiba Inu skin allergies, and keep them off your fur friend’s diet. I’m sure you don’t enjoy it when your Shiba has skin allergies.

A sure bet solution I’ve tried is the anti-allergy shampoo by Ketadine. It works wonders since my Shiba has recurring allergy issues.

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