Why Do Dogs Mouths Quiver After Licking?

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Have you ever been licked by a dog and noticed their mouth quivering afterwards? It’s a strange phenomenon that many dog owners have observed but few understand.

Why Do Dogs Mouths Quiver After Licking

At first glance, it may seem like a sign of discomfort or nervousness, but in reality, it’s quite the opposite. This quivering is actually a natural reflex that all dogs have, and it serves an important purpose.

So, why do dogs mouths quiver after licking?

Dogs mouth quiver after licking because their tongue muscles become fatigued, resulting in the quiver motion, also known as Flehmen Response. This reflex is similar to when you shake your hand after it becomes tired from writing or typing.

So, the next time your furry friend gives you a slobbery kiss and their mouth starts to quiver, don’t worry – it’s just a sign of their love and dedication to you!

Let’s dive deeper into this fascinating topic and discover the reasons behind a dog’s quivering mouth after licking.

Why Do Dogs Mouths Quiver After Licking?

Dogs mouths quiver after licking as a result of the Flehmen Response. It is an involuntary reaction which causes the jaw of your pet to shudder after pressing their tongue against the vomeronasal organ at the roof of their mouth.

The phenomenon of a dog exhibiting a strong physical response to an extreme stimulus is commonly observed during testing of substances containing pheromones.

Nevertheless, it can also be observed in response to other scents. Pheromones, which are chemical substances secreted by glands, are present in saliva, feces, and urine.

Canine Care suggests that when a dog licks urine, they are essentially “reading” the pheromones from another dog, which can trigger specific behavioral reactions, including sexual behaviors.

Apart from reacting to pheromones, a dog may also exhibit quivering excitement, which can manifest all over their bodies or be confined to a specific area.

Why Is My Dog Licking and Jaw Shaking?

After your dog licks something, their Jacobson’s Organ may be stimulated, which prompts them to sniff around and search for a particular scent. As a result, their teeth may shake and chatter.

Alternatively, teeth chattering may be an impulsive response, or it could be caused by a spasm in their jaw muscles from all the licking.

Differentiating between grinding teeth and chattering teeth is easy because of the sounds they produce.

Chattering teeth make a clicking sound as they move up and down rapidly, whereas grinding teeth move in a back-and-forth motion.

There are three primary reasons why dogs engage in teeth grinding, also called bruxism. Firstly, it may indicate oral pain as a means of relieving discomfort, much like chattering.

Secondly, dogs may grind their teeth due to anxiety or nervousness, similar to humans who tend to clench their jaws and grind their teeth when stressed.

Why Does My Male Dog’s Mouth Quiver After Smelling Something?

Male dogs mouth quiver after smelling something as a natural instinct behavior known as Flehmen response.

Dogs are known for their acute sense of smell. When your canine companion catches a whiff of something and starts to shiver, it could indicate excitement because they recognize the scent.

This can happen when they smell food they enjoy or something they desire.

Through the act of smelling and quivering, dogs can memorize scents for future reference. Unlike humans, dogs rely heavily on their sense of smell to perceive the world around them.

This ability enables them to attach memories and experiences to different scents, such as detecting if you have been in the company of other dogs.

Why Does My Dog’s Mouth Quiver When He Smells Pee?

The first reason is that urine contains pheromones that act as a signature for your dog to identify the animal that peed there.

This is detected by the vomeronasal organ, which triggers the Flehmen response, regardless of what they lick.

The second reason is that urine has an unpleasant odor and taste, especially if it’s old and has been left out for a while. As urine dries out, it leaves behind a residue that serves as a food source for odor-causing bacteria.

The bacteria grow and consume the urine, making it smell even worse. When your dog licks old pee, it can taste and smell the bacteria, which can cause the quivering mouth reaction.

Your dog’s quivering mouth is an expression of disgust, and it’s their way of making a face.

Dogs have a highly sensitive sense of smell, with over three hundred million scent glands, so they can detect and taste different types of bacteria that are eating the urine.

Dog Mouth Quivering and Drooling

Dog mouth quivering and drooling is a result of being anxious. When dogs experience anxiety due to being in uncomfortable or unfamiliar situations, this is how they react.

There are various explanations as to why your furry companion might be trembling and salivating. One of the factors is anxiety, which dogs also encounter, but they manifest it differently from humans.

If your dog feels uneasy or is in a new and strange setting, you may observe that they start to tremble and salivate. This behavior is typical, but it’s crucial to ensure that your dog is healthy.

Another explanation for your dog’s quivering and drooling could be linked to seizures. Focal seizures affect only one section of the brain, and they frequently result in drooling and tremors in dogs.

If your dog is quivering, appears to be unresponsive, and has zoned out, then it’s probable that they may have a seizure soon.

Additional symptoms to look out for in order to ascertain if your dog is having a seizure include twitching, frothing at the mouth, drooling, and losing consciousness.

Why Does My Dogs Mouth Quiver After Smelling Something?

Your dogs mouth quivers after smelling something due to the strong smell, especially resulting to happiness or being excited.

It is common knowledge that dogs possess a keen sense of smell. Their olfactory abilities are so intense that when they catch a particular scent, they might quiver with excitement.

This reaction usually happens when they identify something they like, such as their favorite food. In other instances, dogs may quiver when they smell something they desire.

By responding to a scent and quivering, your furry friend is most likely committing the smell to memory.

Canines rely on their sense of smell to interpret the world around them more than humans do. They can even associate memories and past experiences with different smells.

For instance, if you have been around other dogs, your dog can detect their scent on you and use this information to form a mental picture of your whereabouts.

The Wrap-Up

In conclusion, the quivering of a dog’s mouth after licking can be caused by a variety of reasons. Some dogs may do it as a reflex action or as a way to cool down their body temperature.

However, the most common reason is due to the release of endorphins in their brain, which is a natural response to the pleasure they get from licking.

It’s important to note that excessive licking or trembling may indicate an underlying health issue, so it’s always best to monitor your pet’s behavior and seek veterinary attention if necessary.

Therefore, dogs’ behavior is fascinating, and understanding it helps us build a stronger bond with our furry companions.

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