14 Reasons Why Golden Retrievers Are the Worst: What To Do!

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Do you ever find yourself secretly shaking your head and thinking about the hype around Golden Retriever dogs hype? Wondering why everyone seems to adore these fluffy companions while you’re not convinced?

Why Golden Retrievers Are the Worst

If so, you may want to answer the question; Why are Golden Retrievers the worst dogs?

Short Answer; Golden Retrievers are often viewed by many as the worst dogs due to their mischievous stubborn nature during the first 2 – 3 years of development. Also, other cons are they have a short lifespan, stubborn, and friendly to strangers.

Now that you have an overview of the reasons why Golden Retrievers are often known to be the worst, let’s go ahead and discuss each reason as to why Golden Retrievers are the worst.

14 Reasons Why Golden Retrievers Are the Worst?

  1. Have A Short Lifespan
  2. Have A Stealing Habit
  3. They’re Somewhat Messy
  4. Like Chewing
  5. Can Hardly Be Left Alone
  6. Stubborn Nature
  7. Slobber
  8. Shed A Lot
  9. High Risk of Obesity
  10. Experience Separation Anxiety
  11. Excessively Friendly
  12. Health Problems
  13. Not Ideal for Guard Dogs
  14. They Need Plenty of Exercise

Let’s explore each point mentioned above;

1. Have A Short Lifespan

As documented by numerous reputable sources, one such example being Wikipedia, golden retrievers, renowned for their affectionate nature, typically have an average lifespan of 10 to 12 years.

However, countless devoted golden retriever owners would undoubtedly attest that these years pass by far too quickly, leaving a profound sense of longing for more time with their beloved furry friends.

Golden retrievers have consistently charmed pet lovers with their gentle temperament, loyalty, and unwavering devotion. Their boundless enthusiasm for play and their ability to form deep emotional bonds make them a cherished addition to countless families worldwide.

Yet, the bittersweet reality remains that their time by our side is relatively fleeting compared to our longing for their companionship.

The emotional connection shared between a golden retriever and its owner often transcends the realm of mere pet and master, evolving into an inseparable bond of love and friendship. This profound connection is what makes their shortened lifespans all the more difficult to bear.

As the years pass, the golden retriever becomes not just a pet but a treasured family member, an irreplaceable part of cherished memories, and a source of unconditional love and support.

2. Have A Stealing Habit

Golden retrievers showcase their innate talent for carrying items in their mouths, and not just physical objects but also capturing your affection. These endearing canines not only win over your heart but also take pleasure in playfully “borrowing” your possessions to proudly showcase them in their mouths.

On numerous occasions, Golden retrievers have been caught red-pawed, snatching dirty socks from the laundry basket the moment their owner momentarily looks away. Their mischievous antics don’t stop there; they might even get a hold of your underwear, turning the whole ordeal into a delightful chase as they tease you with their prized “find.”

Taking them for a walk outside, it’s a common sight to witness a Golden retriever picking up random items along the way. Whether it’s a tennis ball or someone’s misplaced gloves, they carry these newfound treasures with glee, treating it all like a joyous game.

In the world of a Golden retriever, fairness knows no bounds, and everything becomes an exciting part of their playful adventure.

3. They’re Somewhat Messy

Opting for a Golden retriever may not be the best fit for individuals who prefer immaculate and well-organized homes. These delightful canines have an inherent tendency to be rather messy, courtesy of their copious shedding of hair that seems to find its way into every nook and cranny.

Furthermore, their affinity for water and mud means that you can expect them to make a beeline for any puddle or pond they come across, thoroughly relishing in the muck and grime.

You’ll often find them gleefully prancing through mud, exuberantly rolling about in it without a care in the world. Mud baths might as well be their favorite spa treatment! As a result, this inclination towards dirt and mud could become a dog owner’s worst nightmare.

To add to the chaos, when they return home covered in mud, they don’t hesitate to give themselves a good shake, splattering the muddy mess all over your clean floors and furniture.

Considering all these traits, if you value a pristine living space, it might be wise to explore other dog breeds that are more fastidious and less inclined to revel in messiness.

Also read: I Hate Golden Retriever!

4. Like Chewing

Every canine exhibits a natural tendency to chew, but the golden retriever, in particular, has an undeniable penchant for this behavior. It’s practically impossible not to spot a golden retriever carrying an object in its mouth and happily gnawing away.

If you’re considering adopting a golden retriever, it’s crucial to be well-prepared with a wide array of suitable chew toys. Without an adequate supply of these toys, your retriever will inevitably resort to chewing on your personal belongings.

5. Can Hardly Be Left Alone

If you’re considering owning a Golden Retriever but anticipate leaving them alone for extended periods, it’s crucial to reconsider your decision. These affectionate dogs thrive on human companionship and will always require it.

If your intention is not to fully integrate a Golden Retriever into your family, then it’s advisable to choose another breed. Golden Retrievers are highly social animals who relish being part of their owner’s life and participating in family activities.

For individuals who work long hours but still desire a Golden Retriever, it’s essential to explore options like enrolling them in a doggy camp or hiring a dog sitter.

These measures will not only prevent your golden companion from becoming bored or despondent throughout the day but also ensure their overall well-being.

6. Stubborn Nature

It’s quite surprising, but numerous owners have expressed how exceptionally strong-willed this particular dog breed can be. My personal encounter with a retriever confirmed this very trait.

Aside from their remarkable intelligence and trainability, retrievers possess an independent streak. If your retriever decides not to comply with a command, be prepared for a potential standoff.

What I mean is, your golden retriever might simply sit there and refuse to budge until their desire is met or they get their way. To influence them to follow your lead, one effective approach is to offer enticing, high-value treats.

7. Slobber

Golden Retrievers, those delightful and affectionate canine companions, exhibit a natural tendency to produce saliva in copious amounts, particularly when they are excited or anticipating something delightful.

This phenomenon, while entirely normal for the breed, can at times be perceived as a drawback by certain people who are not accustomed to dealing with slobbering dogs.

The act of slobbering in Golden Retrievers serves several essential purposes. Firstly, it aids in the digestive process by initiating the breakdown of food before it reaches their stomachs. Secondly, it helps in maintaining oral hygiene by keeping their mouths moist and preventing dryness that could lead to discomfort or other issues.

Additionally, it serves as a cooling mechanism during warm weather or after vigorous physical activity, allowing them to regulate their body temperature effectively.

However, for those less familiar with dogs or who may be more sensitive to the sight or feel of excessive drooling, this behavior can be somewhat off-putting.

The sensation of a slobbery tongue brushing against one’s skin or the sight of wet spots on floors and furniture may not be appealing to everyone, and that’s perfectly understandable.

8. Shed A Lot

Surprisingly, the golden retriever can be quite an enthusiastic shedder. During the shedding season, they tend to shed their undercoat, and you can expect this to occur at least twice annually.

In the spring, they shed to achieve a lighter coat, while in the fall, they do so to develop a warmer winter coat. Subsequently, you might notice a moderate level of shedding throughout the rest of the year.

Ensuring a high-quality diet for your golden retriever is crucial to maintain a healthy coat and minimize shedding. Implementing various strategies can help you manage and reduce the overall shedding effectively.

9. High Risk of Obesity

These friendly and amiable canines, known for their beautiful golden coats and charming personalities, often fall victim to their insatiable appetites and sedentary lifestyles, which can have detrimental effects on their health as they age.

Golden Retrievers, being naturally food-driven, can easily overindulge in treats and meals if not monitored closely.

Their boundless enthusiasm for food, coupled with their irresistible puppy eyes, can melt even the strongest willpower of their owners, leading to overfeeding and excessive calorie intake. As a result, these adorable companions become susceptible to weight gain, putting strain on their joints and organs and increasing the risk of various health complications.

Moreover, Golden Retrievers are inherently social and loving creatures, constantly seeking companionship and playtime.

However, the modern urban lifestyle and hectic schedules of their human companions may inadvertently limit their opportunities for exercise and physical stimulation. Insufficient physical activity can exacerbate their weight problems and also lead to issues with muscle tone and overall fitness.

10. Experience Separation Anxiety

Golden Retrievers, being a delightful and affectionate breed, may occasionally experience the challenging issue of separation anxiety, causing considerable distress to both the canine companion and its caring owner.

When these lovable dogs are left alone for extended periods, they can exhibit signs of anxiety and distress. This condition arises from their deeply ingrained social nature, as Golden Retrievers are renowned for their strong bond with their human family members.

As highly sociable animals, they thrive on human interaction and companionship, making long periods of solitude a difficult experience for them to endure.

The manifestations of separation anxiety in Golden Retrievers can vary but often include behaviors such as excessive barking, destructive chewing, house soiling, and attempts to escape from the confined space they are left in.

These actions are not signs of disobedience or ill intent, but rather a cry for attention and reassurance from their beloved owners.

11. Excessively Friendly

A Friendly Golden retriever always displays enthusiasm whenever encountering a stranger. It’s important to note that they are not the ideal choice for guarding your house against burglars.

When a Golden retriever spots a stranger, they tend to express their excitement through joyful barking, often accompanied by a wagging tail and a warm smile.

This friendly behavior may make them unsuitable as a reliable guard dog but perfect for those seeking a companion or a people-friendly pet.

If your priority is a loyal guard dog and you prefer to avoid frequent interactions with new people, a Golden retriever may not be the best fit for you. However, if you desire a loyal and affectionate companion who loves socializing, then a Golden retriever is exactly what you need.

12. Health Problems

Similar to all other pedigreed canines, golden retrievers are also susceptible to various health conditions.

Among these are epilepsy, heart disease, allergies, hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, cataracts, hypothyroidism, and cancer.

It’s essential to understand that not all golden retrievers will experience all of these issues. Nonetheless, being informed about these potential health concerns can prove beneficial in managing any health-related challenges that may arise for your beloved golden retriever.

13. Not Ideal for Guard Dogs

The warm-hearted nature of a golden retriever ensures they are eager to befriend anyone they encounter. However, counting on a golden retriever to protect your home from burglars would be unwise.

When a golden retriever senses a stranger’s presence, their instinct is to bark, signaling their awareness. Nevertheless, their true desire is to happily wag their tail and seek affection from the newcomer.

While this amiable quality makes them less suitable as guard dogs, it makes them ideal companions for those seeking a friendly and affectionate pet. If socializing and meeting new people are not your preferences, then a golden retriever might not be the best choice for you.

14. They Need Plenty of Exercise

Golden Retrievers indeed require plenty of exercise to maintain their physical health and mental well-being. As a highly energetic and active breed, regular exercise is essential to prevent boredom and the development of behavioral issues.

Engaging in physical activities helps burn off excess energy, which can otherwise lead to destructive behaviors like excessive chewing or digging.

Additionally, regular exercise is crucial for managing their weight and preventing obesity, a common concern for this breed. Being overweight can lead to various health problems, including joint issues and heart conditions.

Frequent exercise not only keeps their weight in check but also strengthens their muscles and improves cardiovascular health.

The Wrap-Up

While it’s easy to find negative aspects in any breed, labeling Golden Retrievers as the worst would be unfair and inaccurate. Despite potential challenges, this beloved breed possesses numerous positive qualities that far outweigh any drawbacks.

From their affectionate and friendly nature to their intelligence and versatility, Golden Retrievers have earned their reputation as cherished family companions.

Like all dogs, they require proper training, care, and attention, but the rewards of sharing your life with a Golden Retriever are immeasurable.

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