How Long Do Bully Sticks Last? Let’s Find Out!

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Bully sticks are the go-to treat for dog owners who want to keep their furry friends occupied and satisfied. These long-lasting chews made from bull penises are not only tasty but also serve as a natural way to promote dental health.

How Long Do Bully Sticks Last

However, one question that often comes up among pet parents is: how long do bully sticks last?

Bully sticks last for up to two years or more since the day they were produced. This depends with the type of dog you have since some dogs finish them in minutes, hours, days, or  weeks. 

If you’re tired of throwing away half-eaten bully sticks or wondering if your dog can still enjoy them after a few days, then you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of bully sticks and answer the burning question of how long they can last. From factors that affect their shelf life to tips on proper storage, we’ve got you covered.

So, buckle up and get ready to learn everything you need to know about keeping your dog’s favorite treat fresh and enjoyable for as long as possible!

How Long Do Bully Sticks Last?

The time that a bully stick last depends on several factors, including the size and chewing habits of your dog, the quality of the bully stick, and the storage conditions.

On average, a bully stick can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on how aggressively your dog chews. Larger dogs and aggressive chewers tend to go through bully sticks more quickly than smaller dogs and less aggressive chewers.

The quality of the bully stick can also impact how long it lasts. Lower-quality bully sticks may be made from less durable materials and may break or become brittle more easily than higher-quality ones.

The storage conditions can also impact the lifespan of a bully stick. Bully sticks should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture.

If stored improperly, bully sticks may become moldy or attract insects, which can make them unsafe for your dog to chew.

While there is no set timeframe for how long a bully stick will last, it’s important to monitor your dog while they’re chewing to ensure they don’t swallow large chunks or break off small pieces that could become a choking hazard.

Additionally, it’s important to dispose of any leftover or broken pieces of bully sticks to prevent your dog from accidentally ingesting them.

When Should You Throw Out a Bully Stick?

There are a few signs that it’s time to throw out a bully stick, including:

1.     The Stick Becomes Too Small:

As your dog chews on the bully stick, it will become smaller and smaller. When the stick becomes small enough that your dog could potentially choke on it, it’s time to throw it out.

2.     The Stick Becomes Soft or Slimy:

As your dog chews on the bully stick, it will begin to break down and become softer.

However, if the stick becomes excessively soft or slimy, it could be a sign that it’s time to throw it out to avoid any potential health risks for your dog.

3.     The Stick Has a Foul Odor:

If you notice that the bully stick has a strong, unpleasant odor, it’s a sign that it’s time to throw it out. This could be a sign that the stick has become contaminated with bacteria or other harmful substances.

4.     The Stick Has Been Chewed on For Too Long:

Even if the bully stick hasn’t shown any signs of wear and tear, it’s important to remember that all treats should be given in moderation.

If your dog has been chewing on the same bully stick for several weeks, it’s time to take it away and replace it with a fresh one.

It’s important to monitor your dog’s chew toys, including bully sticks, for signs of wear and tear.

When a bully stick becomes too small, too soft or slimy, has a foul odor, or has been chewed on for too long, it’s time to throw it out for the safety and health of your dog.

Can I Give My Dog A Bully Stick Every Day?

If your dog is a heavy chewer, you can give a bully stick once every day. Also, supervise your canine as they chew to avoid them hurting themselves.

While they are low in fat, they are also high in calories, and feeding them in excess can lead to weight gain and obesity. Additionally, frequent consumption of bully sticks can cause digestive issues such as diarrhea, especially if your dog has a sensitive stomach.

Another potential concern is the risk of choking or blockages. Bully sticks can break into small pieces that can become lodged in your dog’s throat or digestive tract, causing a blockage.

This can be a serious and potentially life-threatening issue that may require surgical intervention.

If you do choose to give your dog a bully stick, it’s important to supervise them while they chew and discard the stick when it becomes small enough to swallow. You should also limit the amount of time your dog spends chewing on it to prevent overconsumption.

In conclusion, giving your dog a bully stick every day is not recommended. While they can be a healthy and enjoyable treat in moderation, overfeeding can lead to weight gain, digestive issues, and potential choking hazards.

As with any dog treat, it’s important to use them in moderation and supervise your dog while they consume them.

How Can You Tell If a Bully Stick Is Bad?

The main thing that should tell you that a bully stick is bad is the change of smell. If it has a sour smell, them chances are that it has gone bad.

Other signs that a bully stick is bad include;

Look for discoloration: A good quality bully stick should be a uniform color throughout. If you see any discoloration or mold on the surface, it could be an indication that the bully stick is spoiled.

Feel the texture: Bully sticks should have a firm and dense texture, but not be too hard or brittle. If the stick feels too soft or slimy, it could be an indication that it’s past its prime.

Observe your dog’s behavior: If your dog refuses to eat a bully stick or experiences any adverse reactions after consuming one, it could be a sign that the stick is bad or contaminated.

Check the packaging: If the bully stick is packaged, look for an expiration date or a “best by” date. If there’s no date listed, it could be a sign that the stick is old or of unknown quality.

How Long Does It Take to Digest a Bully Stick?

It typically takes 1 to 2 days for a dog to digest a bully stick. However, the digestion time may vary depending on the size and chewing habits of the dog.

It’s important to monitor your dog while they are chewing on a bully stick and discard any small pieces that could pose a choking hazard.

The digestion time for a bully stick can vary depending on a few factors, such as the size of the stick and the dog’s digestive system. However, on average, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for a dog to fully digest a bully stick.

The length of time it takes to digest a bully stick is primarily dependent on the size of the treat and the size of the dog.

A larger bully stick will take longer to digest than a smaller one. Additionally, smaller dogs may take longer to digest a bully stick than larger dogs because their digestive systems are not as efficient.

It’s also important to note that while bully sticks are generally considered safe for dogs to consume, they can pose a choking hazard if the dog tries to swallow a large piece.

Bully Sticks Side Effects

  1. Digestive Issues
  2. Choking Hazard
  3. Dental Issues
  4. Allergic Reactions
  5. Contamination

What’s more;

1.     Digestive Issues:

Bully sticks are high in protein and can be difficult for some dogs to digest, leading to upset stomach, diarrhea, or vomiting. In some cases, dogs may even develop pancreatitis from consuming too much fat.

2.     Choking Hazard:

Bully sticks can be a choking hazard, especially for small dogs or those who like to swallow large pieces. It’s important to supervise your dog while they are chewing on a bully stick and take it away if it becomes small enough to swallow.

3.     Dental Issues:

While bully sticks can help clean a dog’s teeth by removing plaque and tartar, they can also be hard on teeth, leading to fractures or chips. Additionally, the high protein content can contribute to bad breath and dental decay if not paired with regular teeth brushing.

4.     Allergic Reactions:

Some dogs may be allergic to the protein in bully sticks, leading to itching, hives, or other allergic reactions.

5.     Contamination:

Bully sticks are often processed using chemicals and may be contaminated with bacteria or other harmful substances. It’s important to choose a reputable brand and store the treats properly to prevent contamination.

Bully sticks can be a safe and enjoyable chew treat for many dogs, but it’s important to be aware of the potential side effects and choose them carefully.

As with any new food or treat, it’s a good idea to introduce bully sticks gradually and monitor your dog’s reaction closely.

The Wrap-Up

In conclusion, bully sticks can last for a varying amount of time depending on a few factors. The size of the bully stick and the chewing habits of your dog can greatly impact how long it will last.

On average, a standard-sized bully stick can last up to several days or even a week for smaller dogs. However, aggressive chewers may finish one off in just a few hours. Additionally, storing bully sticks properly, such as in a cool, dry place, can help extend their shelf life.

It’s also important to note that once a bully stick becomes small enough to pose a choking hazard, it should be taken away from your dog.

Overall, bully sticks are a healthy and natural chew option for dogs that can provide entertainment and dental benefits. With proper supervision and attention to your dog’s chewing habits, bully sticks can be a safe and enjoyable addition to their diet.

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