9 Ways To Stop Shiba Inu Puppy Biting!

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Shiba Inus like biting almost everything at some point, especially when they’re teething. This might become a problem as the bite force increases as they gain body mass and energy. You may want to know how to stop Shiba Inu puppy biting.

The best way to stop Shiba Inu puppy biting is to inhibit it throughout. As they grow, small puppies like to put almost everything in their mouth due to high curiosity and objects and their surrounding. This is normal canine behavior that you should address holistically.

While playing with one another, puppies often use their teeth and nip, which can become dangerous and hurtful.

This Shiba Inu biting guide will take you through why pups behave this way and how you can control it.

However, before we get to the ways of stopping Shiba Inu puppy biting, let’s first explore the reasons Shibas have this behavior.

Why Does My Shiba Inu Puppy Keep Biting Me?

  • Playful Temperament
  • Teething
  • Bite Inhibition
  • Stress
  • Fear

What’s more;

Playful Temperament

Shiba Inus have a playful, mischievous personality which they show from a young age. This is an innate behavior for the Shiba Inu breed.

How To Stop Shiba Inu Puppy Biting

If this is the case with your Shiba Inu pup, provide them with their best toys to play with. Of importance, find a toy that stimulates their brain and rewards your Shibas efforts.

Also, you can use positive reinforcement when playing with your canine friend. When they attempt to bite you, show disinterest and turn away. Give a firm “NO” before you react.

The more you do, the higher the chances your puppy will realize it isn’t in your best interest. It’s an easy way to tell your Shiba Inu puppy that they’re doing something wrong.

Check out, Shiba Inu behavior problems.


As young Shiba Inu puppies grow teeth, they also shed the baby teeth between 4 to 9 months of age. Afterward, the 42 adult teeth start growing, making your pooch friend feel some discomfort.

This discomfort triggers them to bite anything. Besides, they’re in a bad mood and might bite with force.

The teething process gives your puppy the urge to bite, which they often give in to. So, you’ll experience excessive biting, which is dangerous if not addressed.

This behavior triggers the need for soft toys and teethers for your pup’s juvenile stage. Avoid giving them bones or hard toys, as they may hurt themselves when they bite with force.

Of importance, use positive reinforcement and try to pet your Shiba if they set attention to the teething toys. That encourages your canine friend to use the toys even more.

Bite Inhibition

Bite inhibition is a process when your canine friend is still learning how to bite. This makes them want to bite everything.

At this time, your puppy is yet to learn how to control its bite force or bite strength. So, they can easily hurt you if you’re not careful enough.

You should let your Shiba play with littermates or mothers where they learn how to control bite force. Also, they teach one another when to stop biting during games and play-fighting.

Puppies also realize when they start causing pain. If the mother is absent, you’re responsible for teaching your pup bite inhibition.

How To Stop Shiba Inu Puppy Biting

Additionally, even puppies that have been with their mother for a sufficient period still need to learn bite inhibition with their human families.

This is why you shouldn’t separate your Shiba Inu from your mother very early. It causes them a deficit of socialization which can affect their adulthood.


Stress can cause your Shiba Inu puppy to express this behavior to relieve themselves. This often happens if you don’t walk your canine friend often enough. Also, if they’re afraid of something like being punished, they might do this as well.

Pent-up energy also makes dogs behave this way and can embarrass visitors and guests.

When your Shiba Inu is in pain or sick, they may bite you to express insecurity and physical frustration. So, ensure you connect with your pooch friend so that you can tell early enough when they’re not feeling well.

Shiba Inus can also be stressed by things you may never imagine, like excessive noise nearby. This makes them curious and wants to know what is happening.


If you fail to socialize your Shiba Inu well with people and other dogs, you’re more likely to experience this behavior.

They can bite people due to their fear and lack of socialization. So, ensure to socialize your canine friend for better results.

Also, you’re better off getting your Shiba Inu as a puppy since it’s easier to socialize them from a young age than when they’re adults.

Lack of socialization has severe impacts. Your Shiba Inu can bite you or cause chaos by attacking other dogs regardless of size and musculature.

Behavior problems are common with Shiba Inus, that lacks socialization. Thankfully, socialization removes the fear in your Shiba, making them courageous and calm on different occasions.

Why Does My Shiba Inu Puppy Keep Biting Me? / How to Stop Shiba Inu Puppy Biting

  • Bite Inhibition Training
  • Redirection and No-Bite Conditioning
  • Excitement and Self-Control
  • Withdraw Attention and Affection
  • Use Timeout
  • Use Passive Resistance
  • Discourage Roughhouse Play
  • Use Chew Toys
  • Enroll In a Puppy Training Class

What’s more;

Bite Inhibition Training

Bite inhibition training helps your dog learn how to use a low bite threshold. This means that your Shiba Inu resorts to biting or aggression even with low and seemingly harmless stimuli.

Training your Shiba Inu to have good bite inhibition helps them to control their emotions and not to overreact. It’s best to start this training immediately after you bring the Shiba Inu puppy home.

Early training is effective since the puppy is yet to develop a strong jaw that can do as much damage. Early training utilizes the period when the puppy still has a soft mouth and little chisel-like teeth.

One way to teach your puppy how to control bite strength is through hand feeding. Hand-feed your puppy several times daily and control the speed at which they take up kibbles from your hand.

If they bite too hard, show an outward expression of being hurt with an “ouch” and proceed to ignore them for some seconds. That way, they know biting too hard isn’t right.

On the other hand, if your puppy takes up kibbles gently, give praise and keep the food coming for some time. I’d encourage you to combine hand-feeding with obedience training and grooming sessions.

Hand-feeding is perfect for controlling food aggression issues in your Shiba Inu. This is something you can practice throughout your dog’s life.

Redirection And No-Bite Conditioning

Redirection and no-bite conditions also work well with puppies, especially untrained ones. It teaches your Shiba that they can bite on a toy but not on people.

Also, immediately they start the behavior, scratch your dog’s tummy and provide a toy in an attempt to redirect their energy.

Restrict them from biting on your hand and provide them with a toy. Every time your dog does it properly, you should praise them and offer them some treats.

Rewarding with food and affection after your puppy successfully redirects works wonders. Toys also help when your puppy seems to be losing control and getting excited or frustrated.

Provide them with their favorite toys to which they can redirect the frustration energy. If you have no toy nearby, redirect your puppy’s energy using a command such as “Sit.”

Excitement And Self-Control

Over-excited puppies often lack self-control and may end up biting a lot. So, you need to study ways of controlling this bad behavior.

How To Stop Shiba Inu Puppy Biting

Besides, a lack of self-control makes a puppy bite with greater force causing harm to someone. Managing your puppy’s excitement level is essential to avoid excessive biting.

In addition, you have to teach your canine friend how to control their impulses. That way, you set your pooch friend up for success.

This reduces the chances of your puppy being involved in bad biting behavior and fights. Stay calm when addressing puppy-biting issues.

Also, always catch the act and ensure to correct it immediately. Fixing your puppy’s biting issues before they escalate in degree and frequency.

Withdraw Attention and Affection

Withdrawing attention and affection is a good way to regulate your puppy’s biting. Often, puppies bite due to the urge to play or interact.

That said, if your Shiba Inu puppy fails to adhere to your redirection, the next thing you do should be to withdraw your attention.

Ensure you don’t give them any eye contact or talk to them. Avoid engaging them for the next few seconds. That tells your Shiba Inu puppy that what they did was wrong.

When puppies get too excited, they are likely to escalate this behavior by biting on your feet or jumping as they try to bite on your clothing. Learn how to withdraw attention and affection.

This behavior can be absolutely dangerous if you don’t control it from a young age. It’s even more dangerous to elders and children.

Use Timeout

When your puppy’s biting behavior goes overboard, mind using timeout. Since most dogs value being free and roaming around your house or backyard, timeout is something they don’t want.

In addition, dogs are pack animals and like to be let free to roam around. So, timeout takes away this freedom, thus an effective way to discipline your canine friend.

Some points to observe when using a timeout to control biting behavior include;

First, ensure you put your puppy in a boring room without any exit they can reach. I use my laundry room as my Shibas timeout room.

Check whether the room is safe for your pooch friend and has nothing to play with, chew, or interact with.

Finally, ensure no one offers your Shiba Inu puppy attention and affection during the timeout duration.

Timeout is an effective way to stop your Shiba Inu from biting. The more you’re consistent with doing it, the more they learn that biting isn’t good.

Use Passive Resistance

Passive resistance lets your Shiba Inu puppy know that biting isn’t good behavior. While using passive resistance, avoid shouting at your canine friend.

Dogs never resonate well with shouting. So, ensure you avoid doing it. Instead, resist them when they nip too hard to tell them it’s wrong.

Shouting negatively affects the bond between you and your Shiba Inus. It prevents any bonding from being forged between you and your canine friend.

So, when your puppy bites you, use the “STOP” command and let them know that no reward is coming their way.

Another thing you can do is simply turn away from your Shiba Inu as you tuck your hands inside your armpits. Concealing your hands shows your Shiba you aren’t interested in any more play.

Discourage Roughhouse Play

One mistake that Shiba Inu owners make is encouraging roughhouse play. This grows on to become dangerous play.

Besides, young Shiba Inu puppies are yet to understand the biting force they should use during play.

So, ensure to discourage this behavior at all costs. Also, avoid roughhousing with your Shiba; if you participate, you lose the whole idea of this exercise.

Use Chew Toys To Stop Shiba Inu Puppy Biting

You should always arm yourself with chew toys. When you have these toys within reach, you can easily redirect your Shibas energy is they start harmful biting.

Giving your Shiba Inus the chew toy is an excellent alternative to playing with them using your fingers and toes.

So, if your Shiba Inu starts nibbling on your toes or fingers, provide their favorite toy to redirect them into something else.

When your pup starts biting your fingers or toes, stop it immediately and withdraw your attention to something else.

If obedience training has included training your puppy to sit, you can ask them to sit. If they obey, reward the action with a treat or a chew toy.

Enroll In a Puppy Obedience Training Class

Puppy training classes are essential and train your Shiba Inu to obey simple commands. Besides, they use positive reinforcement to stop any bad behavior with your puppy.

If your puppy is progressing well with training classes, always reward them when they do something correctly.

However, if the nipping and biting from your puppy is a result of aggression, you may want to address the primary cause of aggression.

Puppy obedience training classes have useful resources you can’t implement alone. They also give your Shiba Inu a chance to socialize.

Learning to obey commands will help your puppy interact with other canines without causing chaos.

Frequently Asked Questions On How to Stop Shiba Inu Puppy Biting

How Do You Discipline a Puppy That Bites?

The best way to discipline a puppy that bites is by withdrawing your attention and affection. So, ignore them immediately; they start the biting behavior.

Of importance, never use physical punishment to stop your puppy from biting. Always embrace positive reinforcement.

At What Age Will My Puppy Stop Biting Me?

Your puppy will stop biting you when they attain 6-7 months of age. However, this might extend a little bit until they’re almost one year old.

You should correct this behavior as early as possible. Failure to correct this behavior makes your Shiba dangerous even when they’re adults.

How Long Is the Puppy Biting Phase?

The puppy biting phase comes between three and five months of age. Nevertheless, it can extend for up to one year.

This puppy biting phase results from your canine friend teething and the emergence of adult teeth.

Why Does My Puppy Jump and Bite My Clothes?

Your puppy jumps and bites your clothes in an attempt to express himself or to seek your attention.

So, you should discourage this through obedience training. This behavior is normal and part of their development stages.

Conclusion On How to Stop Shiba Inu Puppy Biting

Stopping your Shiba Inu puppy from biting requires a lot of effort from all family members and the owner. Everyone must participate in managing the nipping behavior.

Learning positive reinforcement is essential and helps Shiba Inu owners avoid physical punishment.

You should always withdraw your attention and affection immediately after your puppy starts this behavior. That tells your pup that you’re against this bad behavior.

In addition, consider enrolling your puppy in obedience training classes. These classes are vital for developing your Shiba Inu and managing his hyperactivity.

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